REI Kash- How to create campaign and upload (text messages)

7 dayfree trial:

REI KASH is excited to help your onboarding process go as smooth as possible so you can start talking to sellers!

What to do before Monday's call (preferably ASAP!):

  • Sign up to REI KASH here
  • Email our support at [email protected] asking for your new systems build
  • Once this has been completed you will receive a video going over the system & what we built! 
  • Get a list skip traced so Monday we can run a list together in your new system! 

Monday's call we will be going over:

  • What was built and any specific questions; we want to make sure you are good to go!! 
  • We will take a list and start working on it together; uploading, calling, etc.

Thank you,

Complete and Continue  